Thursday, October 17, 2013

You know you're pregnant when...

You are watching a normal, witty episode of 30 Rock and by the end, your eyes start welling up with tears and you turn to your husband and express how "sweet and touching" the episode was while he proceeds to pass the box of Kleenex to you.   Yes, this was me last night.

Image taken from here

Other pregnancy-related emotional moments have occurred mostly in my first trimester.  A couple of these include:

~Crying at the end of Honey I Shrunk the Kids because "they're all back together again and a normal size!"

~Crying because I was badly craving carrots and we did not have any.  I was oh so grateful for Ben being sweet and patient with me and offering to run to the grocery store and pick some up.  I then proceeded to cry about how wonderful of a husband he was.  In fact, I don't think I stopped crying until after he returned from the store!

I have 10 weeks to go!  I wonder what else will trigger these extra emotions of mine...

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