Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Second Trimester

This has been, far and away, one of the most exciting seasons of my life, if not the most exciting.  The second trimester is what I'm referring to here.  The first, as shared about here, was tough.  This trimester, thankfully, has been awesome!

My appetite has returned to pretty much normal (although, I still find myself with some "first trimester aversions" which are things I could only eat in those first months, like avocados and orange juice, I can't eat now!).  I am even now waking up in the middle of the night for a snack - Baby Girl is gettin' hungry!

My favorite part has been watching my belly grow and feeling Baby move inside of me.  It's wild!  There are some weeks where I feel like every day I gain an inch around my belly!  And those sweet flutters by sweet Baby are, well, so so sweet.  Ben has gotten to feel her move a few times too which has resulted in beautiful moments shared between *our family*.  Love it!

Below are some pictures taken a couple of weeks ago by our very talented friend Brandy Nicks.  (She also took the pics on our website!)  These are Ben, Baby and me in the prime of our second trimester.  Enjoy!

And here are a few extras of our current little family... Ben, Laurie, Baby and Ruffles!

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